Message from Mayor O'Neill and Council

September 6th, 2024

 Dear Residents of Marmora and Lake:


On behalf of Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Marmora and Lake, we want to provide you with an update on some important organizational changes happening at the municipality.

Over the past year, the municipality has faced some challenges with senior staff turnover. We recognize this has created a period of transition and uncertainty. While we understand that increased closed meetings may raise concerns about transparency, we want to assure you that Council is taking proactive steps to provide additional support and stability.

Interim CAO Appointment

We are in the process of hiring an experienced Interim Chief Administrative Officer who will start work as soon as possible. This position will be for a period of 30-90 days depending on the needs of the organization. The Interim CAO will work closely with staff to ensure continuity of operations and support the recruitment process for a permanent CAO.

Organizational Restructuring

Council has also approved a restructuring of the municipal organization. The Parks, Recreation and Facilities department will be separated from the Public Works department and will have a dedicated Manager reporting directly to the CAO. Recruitment for the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Manager has begun. This change will allow for a greater focus on parks, recreation and facility management.

We are committed to providing the necessary resources and support to ensure the municipality can continue to effectively serve the community. These changes are part of our commitment to strengthening the organization and improving service delivery.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



Mayor Jan O’Neill

On behalf of Municipal Council

Celeste Bonter-Northey