Mayor's Report for June 18, 2024

May 22nd

I attended the Governance Committee Meeting for the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health.

May 23rd

I participated in a Zoom Meeting with the South East Transition Team Board Chairs.

May 24th

I attended the South East Transition Team merger meeting in Br.ockville.

May 25th

I participated in the official opening of a new business, Crimson Apparel.

May 30th

I attended Hastings County Council and participated in a meeting with the Ministry of Health regarding the merger.

A business plan was submitted to obtain funding for the merger. The Ministry was seeking clarification on some of the requests, particularly on capital projects.

June 1st

I attended the 25th Anniversary of the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance in Tweed.

The Council meeting scheduled for June 4th was cancelled as there were no business items.

June 5th

I attended the regular meeting of the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health in the morning.

In the afternoon, I travelled to Toronto to attend the Association of Public Health Agencies (alPHa) Conference.

I attended the opening reception that evening.

June 6th

I attended the sessions, one of which was a panel of alPHa Board Members on the topic of Voluntary Mergers and which Boards were actively engaging in merger plans. This session was moderated by Dr. Eileen De Villa, Medical Officer of Health for Toronto.

Premier Ford, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Sylvia Jones, and Dr. Kieran Moore, Medical Officer of Health of Ontario, made presentations.

June 7th

I participated in the Opening Ceremonies for the Crowe Valley Lions Club Country Jamboree. The weather was not the best but I understand they were pleased with the jamboree.

June 11th

I chaired the South East Transition Team meeting held in Belleville.

June 13th

I attended the office to sign documents and meet with staff.

June 17th

I attended a Zoom Meeting with the Ministry of Health.

June 18th

This morning, I attended Hastings County Planning & Development, and Finance, Property & Personnel Committee Meetings.

Kristen McConnell